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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Visiting another university city: Bologna IT

Now its a strange thing to finally realise that I have a knack in finding myself in quaint little university towns. So far I count three (Bologna, Freiburg, Uppsala...mmm Padua even). Surely that's more then just coincidental? Maybe I love the quirky eclectic academic crowd. Maybe I love the psycho-bauble spewing forth from the intelligentsia (always while pensively frowning down into one's fairtrade espresso mind you). Maybe I just like standing out in my 9-5er corporate tailored shirts and girly skirts.

Best cappuccino I've had
In any case, while I was mauling over possibly (most likely) leaping into another few years of academic exile as a law student, I started to reminisce about them good ol' travelling days - and particularly in this case - of Bologna. According to the knowledge god, Bologna is home to the oldest university in the world...and there are plenty of student bars to prove it! I spied a few as I zipped along on my FIRST ever scooter ride (thanks to my super cool host)! hurrah! so fun except for the part about me feeling like I was about to double-back into some vehicle behind us or else have my clothing blown to the wind. Its also the first time I tasted the best cappuccino ever that will forever ruin all other cappuccinos for me.

No. My culinary expedition did not end there. It was Italy after all. Rest assured, if not for the enormous amount of walking, I would have speedily gained a nice little 'pasta and wine' gut. There was piada which was for me like a calzone but better (but I would never try using this incestuous reference in the face of an Italian). Buffalo (pronounced like bufala). Greek olives (ok not so Italian but atleast fresher than ones I could get at home). There is Friselle which tastes absolutely wonderful with tomatoes, garlic, basil with a drop of olive oil.
Mixture on Friselle
The city also has the most amazing library ever. Thats right. I'm making libraries cool again. Ever since going into Openbare Bibliotheek in Amsterdam, I've gone on a mission to bring the sexy back to libraries. Except the North York Centre. Theres no sexy there. The Biblioteca Salaborsa (entry way is facing the main square Piazza Maggiore) is like what I'd imagine the Globe Theatre London would be like it it were ironed out. Ok maybe that imagery doesn't work. Well kinda.
Biblioteca Salaborsa. The transparent tiles show the ancient Roman foundations underneath.
And then ofcourse it really wasn't a real travel adventure unless I got lost. And getting lost I did - looking for the University that I never found and then getting soaked at it. Pouring rain. And yes the sidewalks around the shopping area were marble. No I did not slip. But one of the things that one enjoys while dodging the rain is Bologna's extensive network of arcades. Its one of the city's famous features. And rest assured, I wholly enjoyed their architecture.
Mission accomplished: soaking by now but found the two towers!
Top centre: red pepper for good luck

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